Yes I too agree with everything that you wrote about when you become a fully fledged Jehovahs Witness. I regret getting involved with this cult. What ever joy or happiness you may have felt initially is sucked right out of you. From the day of my baptism things went downhill at a fast pace. In fact the day of my baptism I didn't feel right inside, something was telling me not to do it. I guess you call it a gut feeling that turned out to be so right. Just months after being baptised I really felt something was horribly wrong, then I began to investigate these feelings on the internet and sure enough my suspicions were confirmed. I don't go to meetings anymore, I can't handle them. How someone could put up with this garbage for a lifetime is truly beyond my comprehension, 8 long years was enough for me from the first contact to my ending meeting attendance in Oct. The last meeting I attended was the AGM, at least I left with a new bible, which I haven't yet read except for bits and pieces here and there. I recently spoke to someone who left the cult 5 years ago and she spoke of all her doubts, she was in for over 20 years. Anyway she told me that she is out and never going back there again, she's done with them like a lot of folks.